The third installment of the blockbuster fantasy series sees the return of the Monkey King in his most action-packed adventure yet! While continuing their epic journey to the West, the Monkey King and his companions are taken captive by the Queen of an all-female land, who believes them to be part of an ancient prophecy heralding the fall of her kingdom. With a lot of sorcery and a little bit of charm, the travelers devise a plan to escape. But when their trickery angers the mighty River God, they realize they might just bring about the foretold destruction - unless they can find a way to quell her wrath.
Director(s): Yet to be known.
Writers(s): Yet to be known.
Stars(s): 郭富城, 冯绍峰, 赵丽颖, Xiao Shenyang.
Runtime: 114mins
Release Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 00:00:00 GMT