

The horror-thriller follows a group of teenagers dealing with the disappearance of one of them, Yuki, at an amusement park's haunted house. On a rainy day 10 years later, Yuki inexplicably returns. However, no sooner is she united with her former friends than she collapses, and the group rushes Yuki to a nearby hospital. But after checking in, they discover that things are not quite as they seem at the medical center. As the night wears on, the group sinks deeper and deeper into the events from a decade ago that led to Yuki's disappearance.

Director(s): Yet to be known.

Writers(s): Yet to be known.

Stars(s): 柳楽優弥, 蓮佛美沙子, 勝地涼, 水野絵梨奈.

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Runtime: 89mins

Release Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT