Set over one night in Tokyo, we follow Leo, a young boxer down on his luck as he meets his ‘first love’ Monica, a call-girl and an addict but still innocent. But, little does Leo know, Monica is unwittingly caught up in a drug-smuggling scheme, and the two are pursued through the night by a corrupt cop, a yakuza, his nemesis, and a female assassin sent by the Chinese Triads. All their fates intertwine in spectacular Miike style, at his most fun and anarchic.
Director(s): Yet to be known.
Writers(s): Yet to be known.
Stars(s): 窪田正孝, 大森南朋, 染谷将太, 小西桜子.
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Runtime: 108mins
Release Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 00:00:00 GMT